
Black Lives Matter

All image I got from twitter by an artist that goes by name of @demonbabeTM

Black Lives Matter

This is not just some trend, this is a movement. This is not the time to be silent, this is the time to speak up and use your platform to help bring justice. I have this small space on the internet and I refuse to keep quiet about this.

No Justice, No Peace.

And being silent about this is not helping.

I am not black, I am Asian, but I will stand by and always help out my fellow black people.

If you listened to my podcast episode first, I will be putting some links on ways to help during this movement. If you want to listen to my scattered thoughts you can listen to my podcast episode below. I usually post Tuesdays, but I have posted a day earlier because I couldn’t keep quiet on my podcast any longer.

As much as I have a voice and am doing my best to raise awareness, please listen to black people and what they have to say on this matter more than myself. I can only raise as much awareness as possible, but I will never be in the same shoes as black people and what they feel.

But for now, I have voiced my stance on this movement and I am here. I am an ally. I will stand by you all until justice is served, police brutality is taken seriously, and black people are treated equally. Because Black Lives Matter.

Below are the best resources I’ve used and can find to help in this Black Lives Matter Movement. I will update as best as I can or you can follow my twitter @lostwithyvonne or @writewithyvonne for more up to date stuff.


Please also, if you can donate to the following infographic

This is all I have for now. I hope this small bit helps in any way possible. And please keep EDUCATING yourself. I am on daily because I have privilege. As much as I am a person of color, I won’t understand what it means to be a black person during this time. So the best way is to educate yourself and LISTEN to your fellow black friends, leaders, people.


Inspirational Quotes to Keep the Momentum of the New Year

It’s halfway through February and many of us may already be feeling like the New Year is kicking our ass. I know that’s how I feel. Today I’m giving you all the boost you need. I have some inspirational quotes to keep the momentum of the new year strong.

That’s right.

These are some of my favorite quotes to date. I mean who doesn’t love quotes? Especially ones that might just spark something in you that will ignite something even bigger than you. How cool would that be?


How to Set Goals that will Stick for 2019

I know it’s still barely the first week of 2019, but I would like to know how your goals are doing so far? Have you made goals that are sticking? Or 4 days in you feel that everything has already fallen apart?

Well, today I wanted to share with all my lovely followers a few tricks and tips that have helped me make goals and have them actually stick.


2 Years of Arizona Living

It’s amazing the many things that can change in a year, to a month, to a week, to even a day. I mean my book is going to officially be out in 5 DAYS! And I have officially been living in Arizona for 2 years this month!

This to me is so crazy.

Did I ever think that I was going to end up in Arizona? No. I did not think that whatsoever. It was the same with me never ever thinking I’d have lived in South Dakota, but I did that too.


How I’m Going to Say Thank You More in 2018

(The following post has been sponsored by

As we all know I’ve been amping up my resolutions and goals to become a better and more awesome me. And if you have no idea what I’m talking about check back with my Resolutions post or watch my latest YouTube Resolutions video!

While I have my main set of resolutions, behind those resolutions are smaller goals that I want to implement into my life and hope to achieve. So far for this year (I know it’s only been about a month), I’ve been focusing on making gratitude more important in my life.


My 2018 New Year’s Resolutions

First and foremost, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you had a great 2017 and are ready to kick start your 2018 into full gear! I know I’m ready to make ish happen and start my 2018 New Year’s Resolutions!

And with every new year comes mine and probably millions of other people’s yearly traditions of New Year’s Resolutions.

That’s right, I’m ready to start the year off great and start focusing on my goals in all aspects of my life. And my first way of doing so is to make New Year’s Resolutions at the start of every new year. While a lot of the times my goals don’t really change too much from year to year, I still enjoy having a New Year’s Resolution for the start of every year and throughout the year I also focus on smaller goals to overall reach these resolutions.


My Resolution Reading Roundup 2017 Edition

This post includes affiliate links. You can see my disclosure page here, thanks for your support!

Every year I make a resolution to read more and more books all the time. It all started when I first picked up that Mary-Kate and Ashley Passport to Paris mini-book that came with my MK Snowboarding barbie doll, I was honestly hooked. Funny (and cooler) thing was that when I finished the mini-book I just so happened to be in an airport. I guess my two passions collided in that one moment, it’s pretty wonderful if I must say so myself.

Unfortunately as I got older and life, friends, boys, parties, whatever got in the way, I stopped reading for the pleasure of reading and started to not even pick up books that I enjoyed reading. Granted when high school and college came along I had to read textbooks instead of novels. So truly I did not want to read those.

Since I haven’t opened up a textbook in years (that partially including my college years), I figured it was time to get my butt back into gear and start reading for fun again. For the fun of getting lost in a new world and falling in love with characters. And crying when one of them dies or gets heartbroken. I love how books can throw me into a new adventure whenever I pick one up.


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