That’s right, I’m back, and coming full force. Especially in the writing department. Which is why I felt it perfect to finally bring back Writer Wednesday!

Now, this might be more of a blog post for myself, more than anything. But I always like sharing things like my goals to people because

I enjoy reading people’s goals – it’s an inspiration to me to see what type of goals people have and maybe be something beneficial for myself to add to my goals.

It’s accountability – Don’t get me wrong, I’m the worst when it comes to accountability, anybody who listens to my podcast knows this. But still there’s this sense of wanting to go full force at my goals when it’s written down, especially on something like my blog.

I share because I share – Fact of the matter is, I’ve been sharing my goals on this blog for years, so why stop now?

But I assure you, as this may seem like a selfish blog post (kinda is), I hope in some way this will help inspire you to keep trucking along for your goals this year!

Without further ado, here’s my writing goals

-Write and Publish at least one book before the end of the year.

It’s been a while. I mean a looong while. Last I checked, my last published book was in 2019! More than a year ago I had published High Hopes at Sunrise, which is the fourth book in my Harperson Lake Series. And while that alone is a great feat to have four published books, I have so many other books waiting to be written and published. Especially in that series. So this year, I am determined to get a book out there and shared with the world. I find it’s time to get back onto that writing boat and get back into my self-publishing game. So here’s to making a goal of getting that book out before the end of the year!

-Nanowrimo in November

If you don’t know what Nanowrimo is, read about it in my post here. But in short, November is considered National Novel Writing month and there’s this wonderful thing called Nanowrimo that helps you jump start that book you’ve always wanted to write, but having you write 50,0000 words in ONE month. Yep, it’s hard and while 50,000 words are either easy or daunting to people, I want to do it again this year. I did my first one in 2018 and let me tell you, I not only finished over 50,000 words, but High Hopes at Sunrise was the end product, which I published a few months later.

-Batch writing blog posts in a timely manner

This has always been a hard one for me. I don’t know why. I’m usually awesome at writing pages and pages of fictional novels, but when it comes to sitting down and writing multiple blog posts I somehow get stagnant and it doesn’t happen as much as I want. But for the rest of this year, I truly want to focus on this blog. I’ve been blogging for years now, I mean YEARS and I still have yet to take this wonderful blog seriously. While it’s not my main job or even a side job (yet), I actually would like to eventually turn my blog into something bigger than a hobby travel blog. So the first step to this, batch writing out content until my fingers hurt. I mean, I’m setting aside times, I’m pre-writing topics, I’m trying to make actionable steps to make this work because enough is enough. It’s time to get serious. It’s blogging time bitches, and by bitches I mean me.


This is personal, for obvi reasons. But I used to journal back when I was still in school. I have journals upon journals at my parents house that are filled from first page to last page of my journaling. And I personally think that journaling helps in getting things out. While I technically do have an audio journal, aka my podcast, I find personal journaling to be a whole new thing I want to get back into this year and hope I can start finishing the millions of journals I have that are still empty in my house.

-Reading more

I know, this isn’t really a ‘writing goal’, but in a way it is. Reading truly helps spark creativity in many ways. It’s inspirational, it’s educational, it’s even a way to escape. I think by reading more, I can actually start writing more. And I’ll be trying to be on this reading track forever. Because the best way to learn to write, in my opinion, other than just going out and writing the stuff, it’s reading all the stuff and finding how other amazing authors big or small write and learn from them.

And there we have it. I know my goals are usually extremely vague and out there and sometimes pointless, but not to me. And truly, getting these big goals out there will help me plan them into smaller goals.

So here it is. My writing goals.. It’s not much, but it’s something for me. And I can’t wait to see if I’ll actually do these.

I mean, I know it’s been a tough beginning of the year. It truly has for every single person, in the world. This world is going through some very real things and has taken a toll on everyone in big and small ways. And while it’s still tough and things won’t truly ever be the same and normal again, by doing something like writing a goals list for myself is bringing back some sort of normalcy in my world and helping uplift me.

Enjoy folks, I hope this kick start of my blog will help kick start something in you, whether it’s entertainment (I do have youtube and podcast and book for that), educational (I dabble in trying to put together some interesting actionable steps to things in the internet world) or just a fun way to learn about a new place (Check out all the places I’ve been to here). Or whatever the reason may be that you somehow landed on my blog. Here’s to that.

Stay safe everyone and please, be kind.


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