Month: September 2018


Podcast Episode 14 – The Bookcast

Happy Tuesday everyone! And welcome to the Lost with Yvonne Podcast Show Episode 14 called The Bookcast!

It’s also day 11 for my 14 day book launch and I couldn’t be more excited that it’s getting closer to my book release! September 14, can’t come fast enough.


5 Ways I beat Writer’s Block

Happy Day 10 of my 14-day book launch! Today I want to share with you 5 ways I beat Writer’s Block.

My book is officially going to be out in 4 days! I just can’t believe it’s getting closer and closer to finally being released into the online world.

I had a realization earlier how it was a scary thing for me to release my first book because this was an idea that I made up in my head, an idea that I took care of and fostered until it became a full-blown story.


2 Years of Arizona Living

It’s amazing the many things that can change in a year, to a month, to a week, to even a day. I mean my book is going to officially be out in 5 DAYS! And I have officially been living in Arizona for 2 years this month!

This to me is so crazy.

Did I ever think that I was going to end up in Arizona? No. I did not think that whatsoever. It was the same with me never ever thinking I’d have lived in South Dakota, but I did that too.


Top Ten Motivation Songs

If you’re like me, I live for music. I will constantly be playing some tune in my head and I will constantly have song lyrics stuck playing over and over again. Now I’m no musician, I can only barely play guitar, I only know how to make noise with drums and I can only play Chopsticks on the Piano (and Beethoven’s Fur Elise song, this I’m pretty proud of myself for).

But there is definitely something about music that really makes you feel something. I mean if you go through a bad breakup, or you feel like your world is falling apart, I tend to turn to music to help heal me, to help me get through those tough days. Or to motivate me.


5 Things I Wish I knew Before Writing My Book

Happy September 5th and Day 5 of my 14 Day book launch! I wanted to share some writing wisdom I learned throughout this process in a post called 5 Things I Wish I knew Before Writing My Book.

The Princess Center is set to come out in less than 10 days! I’m down to single digit days! September 14 can’t come fast enough.

I wanted to share with you all just little words of wisdom from my very inexperienced writing life. Take these with a grain of salt because obviously I’m no seasoned writer and I enjoy entertaining people.


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