
5 Things I Wish I knew Before Writing My Book

Happy September 5th and Day 5 of my 14 Day book launch! I wanted to share some writing wisdom I learned throughout this process in a post called 5 Things I Wish I knew Before Writing My Book.

The Princess Center is set to come out in less than 10 days! I’m down to single digit days! September 14 can’t come fast enough.

I wanted to share with you all just little words of wisdom from my very inexperienced writing life. Take these with a grain of salt because obviously I’m no seasoned writer and I enjoy entertaining people.


Why I Chose the YA Romance Genre for my First Book

Happy Day 2 of my 14-day book launch! For today’s topic of discussion or revealing stuff, it is going to be about why I chose the YA Romance genre for my first book!

If you didn’t already read my last post, you can check it out here, but I not only revealed my book cover, I also announced my book is a Young Adult Sports Romance novel!

Yes, The Princess Center is a YA Sports Romance Novel. But today, I wanted to go about why I chose the YA Romance Genre for my first ever published work.


The Book Launch – The Book Cover

Happy September 1st! I decided to write a blog post every day this September as a 14 day Book Launch for my book! My book release date is coming fast on September 14!

Since I’m primarily a travel blogger I will still have travel blogs (and vlogs 😉 throughout these 14 days. But a lot of it will revolve around my book because HELLO, I AM SO EXCITED TO FINALLY PUBLISH MY FIRST BOOK!

Today I wanted it to be a quick and easy blog post that will reveal MY BOOK COVER!


ULTIMATE Summer Reading Roundup – 2018 Edition

Happy Summer! I know so cliche of me to be making a 2018 summer reading edition of my resolution reading roundup. But guess what you’re going to love all my recommendations because I definitely love all my recs. Hah

But in all seriousness. It is officially summer time and what better time than to go to the beach and pick up some great books to lay out in the sun with. And hey, even if you don’t have a beach nearby and you live in a place where it’s hotter than the rest of the world (me), these books are great to sit in your favorite chair in your AC filled house next to your cat (also me).


My Resolution Reading Roundup 2017 Edition

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Every year I make a resolution to read more and more books all the time. It all started when I first picked up that Mary-Kate and Ashley Passport to Paris mini-book that came with my MK Snowboarding barbie doll, I was honestly hooked. Funny (and cooler) thing was that when I finished the mini-book I just so happened to be in an airport. I guess my two passions collided in that one moment, it’s pretty wonderful if I must say so myself.

Unfortunately as I got older and life, friends, boys, parties, whatever got in the way, I stopped reading for the pleasure of reading and started to not even pick up books that I enjoyed reading. Granted when high school and college came along I had to read textbooks instead of novels. So truly I did not want to read those.

Since I haven’t opened up a textbook in years (that partially including my college years), I figured it was time to get my butt back into gear and start reading for fun again. For the fun of getting lost in a new world and falling in love with characters. And crying when one of them dies or gets heartbroken. I love how books can throw me into a new adventure whenever I pick one up.


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