Month: January 2019

Writer Wednesday – Why I Chose Self-Publishing vs Traditional Publishing

Happy Writer Wednesday my friends. And if you didn’t already know, my THIRD book is officially out and ready to be read by all of you beautiful people. You can check it out here.

But other than saying how awesome my book is and why you should get it (CLICK HERE TO GET IT TODAY), I wanted to share with you all why I decided to go to the self-publishing route rather than the traditional publishing route.

Today, I wanted to share my insight on this.


Two Hours in Pisa, Italy

Italy. Honestly one of my favorite countries. It has wonderful food and beautiful cities. As much as I wanted to spend days in each country if I could, all it took was just a few hours in Pisa, Italy and we were all set.

Pisa, if you did not know is where The Leaning Tower of Pisa is. And that’s basically the town.


How to Set Goals that will Stick for 2019

I know it’s still barely the first week of 2019, but I would like to know how your goals are doing so far? Have you made goals that are sticking? Or 4 days in you feel that everything has already fallen apart?

Well, today I wanted to share with all my lovely followers a few tricks and tips that have helped me make goals and have them actually stick.


Writer Wednesday- Writing Goals for 2019

Happy 2019 my blogging friends and family! And of course, for all my writers out there. And since this is my first LWY Writer Wednesday for 2019, I wanted to share my Writing Goals for 2019!

Last year was the start of my writing career, well in the fictional writing world. It was one that went down the path of self-publishing that included both tears of happiness and stress. But I survived and did much better than I thought I was going to do.
