Lost With Yvonne

I love Fall – A YouTube Tag

Fall. Oh how I love Fall.

Well hello there my lovely people. It seems to have been some time before I last posted anything on almost any form of social media. (I know I say this a lot, but I’m trying okay!)

Any who, I am here and ready to rock and roll. I’ve had a lot more energy and motivation lately and I will thank the gym for that because yes, I have also been going to the gym a lot more lately as well. For my first day back into this social media world and mostly on the YouTube front, I was tagged by an awesome sorority sister of mine named Diana! She made an I love Fall YouTube video and tagged me to answer some questions about my favorite things about Fall!


5 Ways to Get Out of a ‘Creative Funk’


Blogging is hard. Hell, life is hard. And sometimes when things get difficult, you can be put into a sort of crazy weird funk that seems never ending.

Recently, I’ve been in a bit of a funk. I’m sure any creator in the world has had these days where you just don’t know what to write, edit, shoot, or even just do with your life. While I have been working non-stop at my current full time job, my blog and YouTube channel have just been sitting idly by almost collecting dust.

I think about my blog and brand every single day, yet I can’t seem to get anything done. And my ‘funk’ seems to keep going day after day after day. And it, for the lack of a better word, sucks.

But I’ve slowly started to come out my funk, day by day by doing certain things to help ease my mind, body and soul (sounds cheesy, I know). And so today I want to share with you my little secrets of what helps me to slowly, but surely, get out of these ‘creative funks’ I tend to easily get myself into. While, they really aren’t secrets to the all-knowing future, I like to think these 5 tips will hopefully spark that sparkler of creativity in your mind as it is slowly doing for me now.

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Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge – Standing in Two places at Once (VIDEO)

Two Places at once

Have you ever watched the movie A Walk To Remember with Mandy Moore and Shane West? It’s one of those Nicholas Sparks, will make you cry forever, book turned to movie?

Well if you haven’t, you should if you want a good cry. But for now I’ll just briefly explain a scene in the movie where West took Moore to the middle of this empty road and made her stand and place her feet in two different spots. When she opened them he told her that she could cross off being in two places at one time off her bucket list because she was straddling the state line. So after that moment, I had a huge obsession of being in two places at once.

So instead of Shane West bringing me to place, I found my own.

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A Snowy Grand Canyon VIDEO

Photo Apr 10, 7 27 57 AM

Do you remember any time that really take your breath away? I’ve had a few. Like the first time I saw the Eiffel tower a few years ago, I almost cried speechless that I finally saw one of my dreams unfold before my eyes. It was just gorgeous and unreal.

I had another one of these moments not too long ago. As you may have noticed (or not) I’ve officially moved to a new state. I went from Cali to South Dakota and now I’m based out of Arizona! Now I won’t get into too much detail of my move to AZ, but I am officially a resident now considering I finally got my license and my car plates here!

If you can think of one of the most sought out attractions in Arizona, what comes to mind?

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Lost with Yvonne’s 2017 Resolutions

2017 Resolutions

Happy new year, well after the first few weeks of 2017 new year! After the first start of the year has almost already gone and passed, I’m going share my 2017 new years resolutions with all of you lovely people!

I know most people roll their eyes when it comes to setting resolutions because let’s face it, how many people keep their resolutions? I know I haven’t. But I do like to set goals for myself for the year, just like I do every month and week. And then at the end of the year I like to see if I accomplished any and celebrate whether I do or don’t. Plus sharing it for the world to see gives me a little more accountability to try and actually reach my goals and accomplish my new years resolutions!

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