Month: October 2017

13 Haunted Vacation Spots to Visit in the United States Before you Die

(The following post has been sponsored by

October is a great month. I mean not only is it my birthday in October (Yeah, I’m a year older), but I love Halloween and all things scary. Now I usually like scary stuff almost all year round, but there’s always something spooky about anything scary in the month of October. Not to mention we had an actual Friday the 13th in this month!

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I love Fall – A YouTube Tag

Fall. Oh how I love Fall.

Well hello there my lovely people. It seems to have been some time before I last posted anything on almost any form of social media. (I know I say this a lot, but I’m trying okay!)

Any who, I am here and ready to rock and roll. I’ve had a lot more energy and motivation lately and I will thank the gym for that because yes, I have also been going to the gym a lot more lately as well. For my first day back into this social media world and mostly on the YouTube front, I was tagged by an awesome sorority sister of mine named Diana! She made an I love Fall YouTube video and tagged me to answer some questions about my favorite things about Fall!
