That’s right, I’m back, and coming full force. Especially in the writing department. Which is why I felt it perfect to finally bring back Writer Wednesday!

Now, this might be more of a blog post for myself, more than anything. But I always like sharing things like my goals to people because

I enjoy reading people’s goals – it’s an inspiration to me to see what type of goals people have and maybe be something beneficial for myself to add to my goals.

It’s accountability – Don’t get me wrong, I’m the worst when it comes to accountability, anybody who listens to my podcast knows this. But still there’s this sense of wanting to go full force at my goals when it’s written down, especially on something like my blog.

I share because I share – Fact of the matter is, I’ve been sharing my goals on this blog for years, so why stop now?

But I assure you, as this may seem like a selfish blog post (kinda is), I hope in some way this will help inspire you to keep trucking along for your goals this year!

Without further ado, here’s my writing goals
