Month: August 2018

How Nice are you France?

Get it? I can’t help when I’m punny for all the pun jokes around Nice, France.

Anyways, I needed to continue on with my European trip because there was still a whole slew of places I had visited and never got to write about. One of the lovely places being Nice, which is located in the south of France.


The Ultimate Guide to the Mall of America

Ever wonder what it’s like to venture into a mall that’s the size of an amusement park? Well, look no further than the infamous Mall of America. And let me tell you, it’s probably even bigger than some amusement parks.

I visited the Mall of America back when I was living in South Dakota as a little mini getaway to Minnesota. You can read about my morning in Minneapolis and at the Spoonbridge and Cherry Park right here.

Now I’ve heard about Mall of America, which is located in Bloomington, Minnesota, which is not too far from Downtown Minneapolis. I’ve seen Mall of America on TV loads of time. I mean Travel Channel always would feature this place as a place to visit for any and all people. And it for sure didn’t disappoint when I visited.
