
Cruise Ship Food: 10 Days of Eating

If there is one thing that I miss the very most from my cruise trip, besides seeing all the beautiful islands, is the food. 24 hours of free food included in your cruise package is what I think heaven must be like.

I love food, so in reality it was my heaven.

I decided to take a photo of almost each meal I had during my cruise ship. So I hope you’re hungry because you’re about to head to delish-town. (I’m corny, I know)


Samana, Dominican Republic – Island Life # 4

Welcome back to day 3 of my book launch. Also happy Labor day! As for the title, I’m not talking about my book, The Princess Center (Out September 14), it’s going to be about Samaná, Dominican Republic!

YAY! I figured, I’d give a little break from my book launch, I mean it is labor day, we all deserve a break. Which is why I wanted to continue on with my Eastern Caribbean Cruise, I want to introduce our last island, which was Samaná, Dominican Republic.


San Juan, Puerto Rico – My First Island Adventure


Remember my Eastern Caribbean Diary series video? If you don’t, check it out here!

Well it’s time to start up that Getaway. Quite a few of you may be experiencing some extreme weather that has rain, snow and gloomy days, especially for those in the East Coast with your snow blizzard. I decided to bring some island fun to brighten those days!

Welcome to the first stop on my Eastern Caribbean Getaway!

Island #1: Puerto Rico.


The first island we hit was San Juan, Puerto Rico and it is a beautiful island. And it is even more gorgeous when it’s the first piece of land you see after being on a cruise ship for 3 days straight.


The island we were docking to was San Juan, the capital of Puerto Rico. We had no real agenda for this day (or any of the island days really). So with such little time in the town we opted to just explore the city near the port station, which is known as Old San Juan.


As soon as we got off the ship we were smacked with humidity, hot sticky humidity. My undone hair got frizzy within a second. But that didn’t stop me from seeing the beauty that San Juan had to offer.


Old San Juan had such beautiful Spanish architecture as well as narrow cobblestone streets and then it is also surrounded by massive defensive stone walls and forts. It is a sight to behold.


Many of the fort buildings were turned into government buildings as tourism started to boom. Like the building called the La Princessa used to be a municipal jail, but it has now become Puerto Rico Tourism Company building.

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And along the walkway of where the La Princessa stands, their Spanish markets are lined up for snacks of wonderful Puerto Rican delicacies.


Lastly, we went full tourist by visiting the restaurant Señor Frog. But with such little time in Puerto Rico, it just meant for me visit it at another time with more time to actually explore and enjoy the town and go to an actual beach.


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An Eastern Caribbean Getaway


The first sunset I saw at sea.

With summer coming to an end (officially on September 23), I figured I’d give you all a small taste of a Caribbean cruise I experienced. A last getaway before all the leaves start to turn that golden color and the fall crisp air starts rolling in.

In March of 2013, I boarded my first ever cruise ship. As a recent grad from Cal State Fullerton, family members were constantly asking what I wanted as a graduation present. While I already had the laptop and basically everything I ever need or want as a recent grad, the one thing I did want was the experience to travel.

My Aunt Annie, or as said in my language my Tita Annie, and my Uncle Rene, Tito Rene, have been going on cruises quite a bit. So as they were trying to book their next one, they added me onto their itinerary. So as my graduation present they booked me a 10-day cruise to the eastern Caribbean with them. While it’s been well over a year since I went on that cruise, I did take a lot of photos and videos that I still haven’t shared to the world yet.

So I have decided to relive this wonderful getaway and share the experience with you in my Eastern Caribbean Diary series. In the next few weeks I will share photos, videos and tell you all about my good and bad experiences while on my vacation. It’ll be a getaway for everyone to see.

So here it is, my Eastern Caribbean Diary Series.