Life Tips

2 Years of Arizona Living

It’s amazing the many things that can change in a year, to a month, to a week, to even a day. I mean my book is going to officially be out in 5 DAYS! And I have officially been living in Arizona for 2 years this month!

This to me is so crazy.

Did I ever think that I was going to end up in Arizona? No. I did not think that whatsoever. It was the same with me never ever thinking I’d have lived in South Dakota, but I did that too.


5 Ways to Get Out of a ‘Creative Funk’


Blogging is hard. Hell, life is hard. And sometimes when things get difficult, you can be put into a sort of crazy weird funk that seems never ending.

Recently, I’ve been in a bit of a funk. I’m sure any creator in the world has had these days where you just don’t know what to write, edit, shoot, or even just do with your life. While I have been working non-stop at my current full time job, my blog and YouTube channel have just been sitting idly by almost collecting dust.

I think about my blog and brand every single day, yet I can’t seem to get anything done. And my ‘funk’ seems to keep going day after day after day. And it, for the lack of a better word, sucks.

But I’ve slowly started to come out my funk, day by day by doing certain things to help ease my mind, body and soul (sounds cheesy, I know). And so today I want to share with you my little secrets of what helps me to slowly, but surely, get out of these ‘creative funks’ I tend to easily get myself into. While, they really aren’t secrets to the all-knowing future, I like to think these 5 tips will hopefully spark that sparkler of creativity in your mind as it is slowly doing for me now.

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